Saturday, July 24, 2010

My country VEGETABLE garden Part 2

Boy, did the week go by fast.  My original plan was to add this part 2 a few days later than the part 1 post. Guess I'd better become faster, or something.  It appears that a VAMPIRE took a bit out of this tomato.  Never mind, he has since ripened. Part is in my stomach; and the other part is in the refrigerator.  I cut the vampire area away. (couldn't let a fresh garden tomato go to waste). Will post photos of this tomato in its ripened stage in a later post.
The rain has really helped the garden the past few days.
The barren area above is where the eggplant and a few others did not grow.
I love the look of this little tomato.
For those not familiar with chicken life, when they emit a fresh lose pile, the flies see it as dessert.
I hated using fertilizer, and only applied one application.
Oh, no I don't put grape juice in my garden. Guess what's in that jug ???

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Country Vegetable Garden Part 1

I did good, well, compared to last year. I planted my garden a few weeks earlier this year than I did last year.  I am one of those people whose schedule is so full that I sometimes must make time for the important things.
I hope to get the onion planted this week, provided I'm able to find them. (stashed them somewhere)
This weed reminded me of a corn plant; therefore, I allowed it to grow. (it's an early country life flashback, my grand-dad used to plant corn)
I planted a row and a half of lettuce. Only three survived despite constant watering. Blame it on the drought/lack of rain.
My chickens peck the turnips every chance they get. Don't know who's winning, them or the worms.
Sadly, this sweet pea has died since photoed three days ago. I watered and pampered, still didn't help.
The only surviving pea above is not doing well either.I planted an entire row. They didn't live last year either. Couldn't blame it on the chickens this year, they are fenced; and are only out when I allow them.

The sweet potatoes are growing from cut up sprouted potatoes that I had purchased to cook and eat.

I think that I saw on some cooking show that some cultures cook and eat the  leaves. I might look for one of those recipes and try that.(grew up with them and never knew that the leaves were edible) The things that we learn on todays' TV.

I would be totally shocked if these actually produce those round yellow balls before the Fall season.
I planted yellow squash and zuchinni. But these might be cucumbers.(I have a written layout, but didn't reference it for this posting. Oops)

This is the end of part 1 of my garden of 2010. Part 2 is coming shortly, with totally different photos.(but of the same garden)
Oops, I misspelled cantaloupe.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Story of the LEMON TREE and the ants.

My lemon tree before the dirt transplant.
Oooh. I don't like ants on my plants. A while back, I noticed an increasing number of ants on, in, and around my lemon plant; therefore, I had to take action. This plant was grown from a single lemon seed that I pushed into the soil; having no idea that a plant would actually grow from it.
Ants were on the leaves.
Ants were on the stem.
After removing from bucket, and before the ants dirt was shaken out.
Can you see the ants?
The anty dirt is back on the earth for remixing with "old soil".
With most of the ants shaken out, the plant is laying on the ground, waiting to be planted.
Freshy planted in "new dirt".
A young plant. Yet so many thorns.
I couldn't resist pinching a leaf just to smell that vibrant lemon fragrance.
...and this is the dirt pit that was left after I dug the dirt for the lemon tree.